Please read this entirely, don’t skim through it
So this workshop’s all about removing fears and insecurities that are holding you back. We’re going to cover…
The point is…
It’s going to be an implementation-based workshop,
Which means we are going to hit the ground running and ensure that it’s jam packed with value and habits that you can begin working into your life right away.
It’ll be mainly coaching – followed by sessions where we’ll implement together as a group.
Make sense?
Now here’s the thing.
We want everyone who joins this workshop to get results.
Including you.
1 – It’s more case studies for us here at Impact Driven Leader
And 2 – It lets you get “results in advance” so we can earn your trust & hopefully get you to invest in our paid stuff.
You’ll get to know how to remove your fear and start generating significant influence…
So it’s really a win-win.
In order for this to work,
We need everyone who attends to be serious about showing up on both days AND about doing the work.
To do that, we need to filter the serious ones from the non-serious ones.
We’re not going to ask you to invest any money,
But we are going to need your “verbal confirmation” that you’ll show up & do the work.
So in order to attend this workshop & start removing fears and insecurities that are holding you back…
You’ll just need to set up a short, 5-minute “verbal confirmation” call with my community manager.
It’s not a sales call – we won’t try to sell you anything.
On that call – you’ll just give your verbal “yes” to showing up & doing the work,
And then you’ll get the link for both days of the workshop!
And that’s it!
So if you want to start remove your fear and start generating significant influence,
And you’re serious about showing up & doing the work,
Then pick a time for your 5-min, “verbal confirmation” call here: